Andria Roberson » Grading Information

Grading Information

Second Grade Grading Information
Book Picture
Grading Scale:
3 = Consistent
2 = Inconsistent
1 = Needs Improvement and additional teaching
Spelling Words:
3 = All spelling words correct or 1 - 2 words missed
2 = 3 words missed
1 = More than 3 words missed
Reading Log:
3 = 40 minutes or more each week initialed on reading calendar
2 = 30 minutes each week initialed on reading calendar
1 = Less than 30 minutes each week initialed on reading calendar
3 = All pages turned in completed; Consistent Answers
2 = 2 pages turned in or not all pages completed; Inconsistent Answers
1 = 1 or no pages completed or not turned in by Friday; Answers Need Improvement
3 = 20 or more Dojo Points a week
2 = 5 to 15 Dojo Points a week
1 = Less than 5 Dojo Points a week